3、兄弟,再见!给同学的祝福语英语1 1、愿你:事业有成,幸福快乐。
4、May joy and health be with you always.2、朋友,让我们守住生命中最美好的时光,别让它成为褪色的记忆。
5、Friends, lets hold on to the best days of our lives and not let them fade into faded memories.3、前路广,愿顺利。
6、Wish you a ooth journey.4、让我们的生活充满微笑吧!这甜蜜的微笑,将预言着我们的未来无限美好!Let our life be full of iles. This sweet ile, will predict our future infinite beautiful!May our friendship last forr. May you dream and live toger in the future.6、愿你:天长地久,友情永固。
7、Wishing yolasting friendship.7、今日一别,山高水长。
10、Today is different, mountains and rivers are long. Maybe some people will nr see you again. So ry time we say goodbye, we should try harder.8、废铁之所以能成为有用的钢,是因为它经得起痛苦的磨炼。
11、The reason why scrap iron can become useful steel is that it can withstand painful grinding.9、那以往的同窗生活,是一串糖葫芦,那迷人的甜和酸,将永远回味不完!That past cte life is a bunch of sugar gourds, that charming sweet and sour, will nr end!10、不要让追求之舟停泊在幻想的港湾,而应扬起奋斗的风帆,驶向现实生活的大海。
12、Dont let the boat of pursuit dock in the harbor of fantasy, but should raise the sail of struggle and sail to the sea of real life.11、外面的雨打在窗口,窗外浪漫的巴黎沉沉的睡去,只有孤独陪着我继续走。
13、Outside the window, the rain beats against the window. Outside the window, the romantic Paris sleeps soundly. Only loneliness accompanies me to continue walking.12、毕业后不论从事哪种职业,要走向成功,首先应对职业感兴趣。
14、After graduation, no matter what kind of occupation you are engaged in, you should first be interested in your career if you want to succeed.13、愿你:挥手道别,扬帆远航!Wish you: wing goodbye, sailing!14、烟雨依前时候,霜丛如旧芳菲。
16、When the rain and oke continued, the frost was as fragrant as r. Who are you drunk with? Flowers last year, now like butterflies fly apart.15、友谊就像寒冬腊月里一朵朵迎雪而立的梅花,绽放开来,温暖着你我的心田。
17、Friendship is like plum blossoms standing against the snow in the winter and winter, blooming and warming your heart.16、我知道,你已经树立了远大的理想,所以,我坚信,你一定能创造光辉灿烂的明天!I know that you he set up a lofty ideal, so I firmly beli that you can create a brilliant tomorrow!17、毕业了,身边的朋友一个个各奔东西,开始学会自己撑起生命的暖色。
18、Graduated, the friends around me went their separate ways, and began to learn how to support the warm color of life by themselves.18、记住无论如何也要上一次讲台,讲什么都无所谓。
20、Keep in mind that it doesnt matter what you say on the last stage anyway. Such an experience is necessary.19、友谊就是一朵朵迎雪而立的梅花,绽放开来,温暖着你我的心田。
21、Friendship is a plum blossom standing in the snow, blooming, warming your heart and my heart.20、世上无难事,只要肯攀登。
22、Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.21、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。
23、You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height.22、地球是圆的,今天的离别是为了他日的重聚。