总公司:Head Off (HO)
财务部门英文祝福语 财务部门祝福语、企盼
财务部门英文祝福语 财务部门祝福语、企盼
分公司: BranchOff (BO)
营业部 :BusinessOff (BO)
人事部:Personnel Department (PD)
人力资源部 :HumanResources Department (HR)
总务部 :GeneralAffairs Department (GAD)
财务部 :G办公室秘书off secretary 副室 Assistant mar room销售部sales departmenteneralAccounting Department (GA)
销售部: SalesDepartment (SD)
促销部 :SalesPromotion Department (SPD)
部:International Department (ID)
进口部 :ImportDepartment (ID)
公共关系 :PublicRelations Department (PD)
广告部:Aertising Department (AD)
研发部 :Researchand Dlopment Department(R&D) (RDD)
秘书室:Secretarial Pool (SP)
采购部:Purchasing Department (PD)
工程部:Engineering Department (ED)
行政部: Admin.Department (AD)
人力资源部: HRDepartment (HR)
市场部:Marketing Department (MD)
技术部:Technolog Department (TD)
部: ServDepartment (SD)
行政部:Administration (AD)
财务部:Financial Department (FD)
室:Direcotor,or President (DP)
副室:DeputyDirector, or V president (DD)
采购部:Purchase& Order Department (POD)
研发部:ResearchDeparment (RD)
生产部:ProductiveDepartment (PD)
销售部:SalesDeparment (SD)
广东业务部:GD BranchDeparment (GD)
事业部:WirelessIndustry Department (WD)
拓展部: BusinessExpending Department (BED)
物供部:SupplyDepartment (SD)
2.一个成熟的公司至少包含以办公室 Off/Bureaux下部门。
工程 [gōng chéng]
engine公共关系部Public Relations Dept.ering
an engineering project
品质 [pǐn zhì]
品质:quality|trait|Qlty. quality
品质:Quality|我觉得应该是FD,因为财务部的英文是Finance Departmenttotal perceived quality
品质圈:quality circle/equality control circle
销售 [xiāo shòu]
to sell
生产 [shēng chǎn]
to produce
人事 [rén shì]
财务 [cái wù]
financial affairs
采购 [cǎi gòu]
make purchases for an organization or enterprise
工程部 engineering department
销售部 sales department
生产部 production department
人事部 personnel department
财务部 financial department
采购部 purchase department
物业管理 Property Mament1、新年辞旧岁,祝你Digital Entertainment Division在新的一年里,有新的开始,有新的收获,新年快乐,万事如意!
8、传说薰衣草拥有四片翠绿的叶子:片叶子是信仰,第二片叶子是希望,第三片叶子是爱情,第四片叶子是幸运。 送你一棵薰衣草,愿你新年快乐!
Stocking2、祝您在第三会议室 Conference #3新的一年,库存越存越多,投资收益越投越赚。
企管中心 MBA Center
技术给分把中心 Technology Center
技术中心 Technology Center
财务中心 Finance Centre
采购部 Purchasing Department
技术出口部: ExportDepartment (ED)开发部 Technology R & D
行政管理部 Administration Department
部 Customer Serv Department
信息管理部 Information Mament Department
销售部 Sales Department
部 Ministry of Planning
设备部 Equipment Division
仓储部 StorageCommercial Products Division Division
财务部 Finance Department
室 -- mar off关于办公部门英文翻译
管理高层:.总公司 :Head Off
董事室: Director's Off室Chairman's Off 执行董事助理: The assistant of the executive director 室:General Mar Off ( 室:GM) 财务总监CFO=chief finanical offr
开发部 Dlopment Dept. 财务部Finance Dept. 财务部Finance Dept. Mar,
人事行政部: The Personnel Administratio Department人事行政部Personnel & Admin Dept.
秘书室Secretary Room 策划部Planning Dept.
预算部Budget Dept. 市场部Marketing Dept.
食堂工作间 Can workshop值班室Room on-duty
工程设计部Construction & Design Dept. 样品室 Sample Room 会议室Meeting Room
保卫室Safe-Guarder Room /Guard Room
策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department
质量安全部 Quality Safety Department
部门办公室:Section mar's off
质量和安全部Quality & Safety Department
商务接待室:Business anteroom
发行部——Publish Dept.
技术部——Technology Dept.
项目部——Project Dept.
设计部——Design Dept.
会客室——Meeting Room
保安室——Guard Room
储藏室——Store Room
技术质量部 Technical quality department,
市场运行部market movement department,
设计开发部design dlopment department
VIP贵宾室 --VIP room
副 ---Off of the general assistant mar
助理室---the off of the assistant
室---the off of the mar
会议室---the conference room
办公部门(Administration )Off英文名称带翻译
档案室 ---the file room
签约室一---Reception Room one
签约室二 ---Reception Room Two
签约室三--- Reception Room Three
更衣室---Dressing Room
副总室 ---the off of v president
营销部---the sales department
财务部---accounting department
工程部--- engineering department
室---off of the mar
物业管理 ---property mament
促销部 sales promotion Dept.
总务部 Gernal affairs Dept.
策划部,启化部.drafting barracks
营业部 Business Offs
W.H.Planning 是指华盛敦的
W.H.Planning Architect 是指华盛敦的策划者.
行政部administration department 室mar's off 销售部marketing deparment
电脑室comr center 业务部business department 室general mar's off
部consumer serv department 洗手间restroom 主任室director's off 档案室muniment room
工程部engineering department 策划部scheme department
培训部training department 采购部purchases department 茶水间tea room
会议室conference rooms 接待区receptions areas 前台onstage
弱电箱weak battery cases 员工区 work areas
Board chairman 或者Chairman of the board
综合办公室主任 Director of Administration Off
对外销售部 mar of Foreign sales department 或者Foreign sales mar
电子 mar of electronic commerce department 或者electronic commerce mar
电子副 deputy/v mar of electronic commerce department 或者electronic commerce deputy/v mar
市场策划部副 deputy/v mar of Marketing Department或者Marketing Department-Deputy Mar
部 mar of customer serv department 或者 customer serv mar
办事处主任 director of off 副室 v general mar
网络市场部 networks marketing room 技术质检部 technique and quality checking room
会议室 meeting room 多功能厅 multi-usage room
贸易部 international marketing department
国内销售部 domestic sales department 洽谈室 chatting room 贵宾洽谈室 vip chating room
生产部 production department 供应部 providing department
男女洗手间 woman/man's toilet
男浴室 man's washing room
女浴室 woman's washing room
总经办 General Administrative Off
复印室 Copying Room 会议室 Boardroom 机房 Machine Room 信息部 Info. Dept. 人事部 HR Dept.
财务结算室 Settlement Room 财务单证部 Document Dept.
董事、总裁 President Off
董事、副总裁 Director Off V-President Off
总裁办公室 President’s Assistant Off
资产财务部 Finanical Dept.
2. 工位用英语怎么说
3. 职务中有关“总”的翻译
5. 自我介绍范文英文带翻译3篇
财务部(Financial Mament Department),企业、事业机构设立的职能部门,负责本机构的财务管理。
总经办:GeneralDeparment (GD)扩展资料:财务部职责
培训室 trading off
No.5 meeting room餐厅 dinning-room of the mar
会议室 Conference #1 (这里不必加那个room)茶水间 tea room
文印室 mimeograph room
一号会议室 No.1 assembly room
三号会议室 No.3 assembly room
五号会议室 No.5 assembly room
执行董事室 Executive director off
室 General mar off
副室 Deputy( assistant)general mar off
财务部 Finance department
洗手间 washing room
电脑部 comr room
培训室 training room
餐厅 Mar dining room
茶水间 (boiled water)tea room
文印室 copy room
一号会议室 No.1 meeting room
二号会议室 No.2 meeting room
五号会议室 No.5 meeting room
执行董事室 executive director off
室 CEO off
assistant general mar off
senior v-president off
财务部 financial department
档案室 archives division; Safe Care Registry
洗手间 rest room; washroom;toilet
电脑部 IT department
training room
mar's catine
tea room
copy room
No.1 meeting room
No.2 meeting room
No.3 meeting room
No.4 meeting room
executive director's room
general mar's room
deputy mar's room
financial department
file room
comr department
2. Set up and our country is suited to all and medium-sized accounting . In the past a very long period of time, the country in the dlopment of standardized of accounting process, with little regard to the accounting needs of all and medium-sized and large enterprises and listed companies the difference, with the SMEs in the economic dlopment of our country more and 市场部: Marketing Departmentmore important role , accounting theoretical circles to SMEs becoming increasingly concerned about the problem of accounting standardization. Small and medium-sized accounting should be dloped the following principles:
质量管理部 Quality Mament Department(1) to adapt to the characteristics of SMEs. Accounting at the design of enterprise mament to consider organizational settings, and consistent with this. Because of relatively all volume of business all and medium enterprises, accounting can only focus on the modalities for the accounting, that is, by accounting for organization. Part of all and medium-sized type of transaction is limited, relatively operations, which generally required a data, the data did not he a deep-ll ysis required, it should be allowed some enterprises do not set up accounting body. General accounting staff to 2 ~ 3 people better, and one person assigned to serve as financial director in the division of responsibility should pay attention on the separation of incompatible duties, such as cashiering, general ledger and auditing, treasury and general ledger, breakdown of separation. Some enterprises may also be society's accounting agent intermediaries. Covers a wide range of all and medium-sized industries, set up accounts should be considered universal for the use of sole proprietorship and partnership forms of SMEs he to bear the unlimited duty, consideration should be given to the impact of the accounting ; for enterprises and individuals in household spending and property occupied by the situation of mutual should be set up between the accounts be accounted for; appropriate to relax the credentials to address the all and medium enterprises that access to legitimate credentials and so on. In short, all and medium enterprises must formulate accounting standards should give full consideration to the characteristics of SMEs. (2) the importance of the principle of the rmation requested focused. Compared with large enterprises, accounting rmation needs of those in all and medium enterprises has changed. First of all, the Inland Rnue Department tax mament needs to become the most important external demand; Secondly, the decision- needs of investors and mars of the mament needs unity; Finally the mament of bank loans are demand, but the demand for bank loans and relatively little weak. Demand for accounting rmation on the changes in accounting decide SMEs should focus on these enterprises on the needs of tax and internal rmation needs. (3) cost-effective. Accounting rmation are mentioned there is cost, enterprises in the provision of accounting rmation should be cost-effective. (4) user-friendly. Because a all amount of all and medium-sized business, accounting personnel, unn quality, the accounting should be designed to operate on the full test of the .
The strengthening of external supervision. Judging from the current status of SMEs in our country of view, rely on their own to regulate the accounting constraints are unrealistic, we should be more through the use of external supervision, assist all and medium-sized accounting standardization of implementation. Financial guidance department should first urge the SMEs in accordance with "Accounting basic job specification" requirement set up a sound , books and found not in conformity with "Accounting basic job specification" requirement should be solemn and timely treatment; Secondly, financial sector supervision and SMEs should also be set up, sound internal control of accounting and internal accounting s; Finally, the financial sector should also be practical to do a good job of follow-up education finance staff. Inland Rnue Department should also be checked to improve the way tax officials to improve the attitude of SMEs and to set up tax agent to increase the tax declaration of speed, easing the tax burden on staff in order to fully carry out checks.
We beli that as long as our country is fully aware of the standardization process of all and medium-sized accounting problems, and taking fully into account the economic dlopment of SMEs in the importance of the parties concerned make concerted efforts and work toger, will be able to do the hard work n better.