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16岁生日快乐英语祝福语 16岁生日快乐英语翻译

日期·2025-03-24 11:24


16岁生日快乐英语祝福语 16岁生日快乐英语翻译16岁生日快乐英语祝福语 16岁生日快乐英语翻译

16岁生日快乐英语祝福语 16岁生日快乐英语翻译

16岁生日快乐英语祝福语 16岁生日快乐英语翻译


2、祝自己生日快乐!we all he to face the sun and live proudly. happy birthday to myself!送给朋友的英文生日祝福语Mom, happy birthday! Wish I could he the language to express our gratitude, thank you for your daily housework and give our 。

3、 May you always happy in the future years to health!送给朋友的英文生日祝福语,生日对每个人都很重要,生日是我们的出生纪念日,每当亲朋友好友生日的时候,都会给他们送上自己的祝福,祝福语可以给人们带去温暖和好心情。



6、Day to remember the original world more beautiful because of you, happy birthday。

7、2、愿美妙的香味时刻围绕着您,使您的人生充满幸福喜悦,永浴于无止境的欢乐年华!祝您生日快乐!Wish a wonderful fragrance moment around you, make your life full of happiness, forr the bath in endless joy time! I wish you a happy birthday!3、今天是你的生日,我的爱人,感谢你的辛苦劳碌,感谢你给予我的关心、理解和支持。

8、给你我全部的爱!Today is your birthday, my love, thank you for your toil, thank you for giving me the concern, understanding and support。

9、 All my love to you!4、今天是你的生日,一个我永远忘不掉的日子。


11、Today is your birthday, I will nr forget not to drop a day。

12、 May god bless you a happy life in peace, healthy and happiness! My wife。

13、5、让我为你祝福,让我为你欢笑,因为在你生日的今天我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐!祝你生日快乐!Let me bless for you, let me laugh for you, because in your birthday today, my heart is with you the same jubilation, happy! I wish you a happy birthday!6、我没有五彩缤纷的鲜花,没有那些浪漫的诗句,没有贵那些重的礼物,没有那些兴奋的惊喜,只有一个轻轻的祝福,祝你生日快乐!I he no colorful flowers, no the romantic poetry, no expensive gifts, free without those exciting surprise, only a gentle blessing, wish you a happy birthday!7、寿星佬,在你的生日来临之际,祝你所有的希望都能如愿,所有的梦想都能实现,所有的等候都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现,生日快乐!The birthday girl guy, in your birthday is coming, wish you can get all hope, all dreams come true, all waiting can appear, all paying can cash, happy birthday!8、轻轻的我来了,正如我轻轻的走,我挥一挥衣袖,留下一头金牛。


15、I come lightly, just as I gently walked, I we sles, leing a calf。

16、 In your birthday approaching, send to I deeply wishes, I wish you the best cattle shipped。

17、9、让短信载着我的问候,让字句表达我的祝福,在你生日的今天,我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐!祝你,生日快乐!Let message carrying my greetings and words to express my wish, in your birthday today, my heart is with you the same jubilation, happy! I wish you a happy birthday!10、我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸福弥漫你恬静的金色梦境。

18、My greetings to my love for you, wish you he a n birthday, the day in the past, you lie down to rest, may the peace of a golden dream be filled with happiness。

19、11、长长的间隔,长长的线,长长的时间抹不断,今天是你的生日,远方的我一直在惦念着你,祝你生日快乐!我最关心的朋友!A long interval, long line, long time wipe constantly, today is your birthday, far away I he been thinking of you, I wish you a happy birthday! I care about most of friends!12、今天是你的生日,我的爱人,感谢你的辛苦劳碌,感谢你给予我的关心、理解和支持。

20、给你我全部的爱!生日快乐!Today is your birthday, my love, thank you for your toil, thank you for giving me the concern, understanding and support。

21、 All my love to you! Happy birthday!Noisy party over the happy face, sweet wine passes happy sweet, gorgeous candlelight reflected happy iling face, sweet cake to express wishes to you: happy birthday to you!14、此日一到来,年龄长一长;蛋糕来助兴,心愿来达成;发此短信有啥意?主要目的传祝福,祝愿岁岁平平安,心里所想事事成!An arrival this day and age a long long; Cake to cheer, wish to achi; Texting this he what meaning? The main pure of the blessing, wish happiness, peace thinking into rything!15、妈妈,生日快乐!真希望能有语言能表达我们的谢意,感谢你每日持家务及给予我们的帮助。


23、祝你生日快乐,幸福美满!Lifestyle is very happy and happy, happiness and happiness are special happiness, peace and peace are always peace, health and health are very healthy。

24、 I wish you a happy birthday, happy!17、亲爱的,明天就是你的生日了,送上一条祝福短信,告诉你,我随时待命,等待你的传唤;想要对你说的是,你是我生命中,值得等待的女生。


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