贺新郎新年祝福语 贺新郎祝贺新婚
贺新郎新年祝福语 贺新郎祝贺新婚
贺新郎新年祝福语 贺新郎祝贺新婚
1、8、On your big day, I wish you all the best in your life.。
2、1、A dred years of love, love forr, happiness, early birth of your son.。
3、5、老表,从今天开始,无论你的未来是顺是逆,是穷是富,是喜是忧,是康是病;你都要好好爱表嫂,给表嫂一个幸福快乐的婚姻生活!3、Dressed in a white wedding dress into the wedding hall, the bell of happiness was sounded. I wish you happiness forr.。
4、456、 亲们,这一刻终于到来,我决定结束和他牵牵小手的日子,义无反顾地奔向所有小夫妻向往的温馨甜蜜,并誓将快乐幸福进行到底。
7、早生九男并二女,读书做官往上爬!5、Happy gongs and drums to congratulate the newlyweds, concise, bright and exciting. Romantic piano and serpent give new people a match made by heen.。
8、6、Flower world, free love; bride black cat style, groom black dog pie.。
10、新郎新娘,白头到老,地久天长!9、May you love each other and be happy for a long time. May your feelings be higher than the sky and deeper than the sea!10、恭喜两位喜结连理,祝你们百年好合,永结同心,早生贵子!。