1、事业成功,家庭美满 Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!导语:酒越久越醇,水越流越清,世间沧桑越流越淡,朋友情谊越久越真。
4、The New Year, offer best wishes to you。
6、Please accept our wishes for you anwishd yours for a happy Ne18.Silence has you, feel cordial; friends he you, I am no longer lonely! Happy New Year! 沉默中有你,感觉亲切;朋友中有你,我不再孤单!祝新年快乐!w Year。
8、May the glow of New Year candle bring you peace and joy, wish your New Year be filled with love。
10、On this special day I send you New Year wishes, and hope that some day soon we shall be toger。
11、5、新的一年,新的心愿,新的希望,新的生活,祝您新年、新春、新生活好、好、好!The New Year, new wish, new hope, new life, I wish you a New Year, New Year, new life is good, good, good!6、人世间一切荣华富贵不如一个知心朋友。
12、在这辞旧迎新的日子里,祝你一切都好!All the splendor in the world is not worth a bosom friend。
13、 In the old days, I wish you all good!7、在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的新年比往年更璀璨。
14、In the season of joy I present my sincerest wishes and kindest thoughts。
15、 May this New Year outshine all the rest。
16、8、给你一碗蜜,里面加点糖,加入盐,分开是咸的,见面是甜的,才知一切是幸福的!Give you a bowl of honey, sugar, add salt, separate is salty, meet is sweet, the last to know rything is happy!9、恭祝您的事业蒸蒸日上,新年更有新气象!在新的一年里大展宏图!To wish your career progresses day by day, New Year's day more has the new atmosphere! In the future in the New Year!10、新春的'钟声不停地敲,我的祝福不停地送。
17、千言祝福一句话:新春快乐,祥瑞新年!New Year's bell kept on, and my blessing to send。
18、 Words wish: a happy Spring Festival and auspicious New Year!11、如果今夜祥和的旋律从你的梦中流过,那么你是否想到,这是我跨越了千山万水来到你的梦中。
19、If tonight the peaceful cantus transflux from your in a dream, so do you think, this is my across the mountains came to your dream。
20、12、新年钟声里,我举起杯,任一弯晶莹的思绪在杯底悄悄沉淀,深深地祝福你快乐!In the New Year bell, I lifted the cup, any bent crystal thoughts quietly precipitation in the bottom of the cup, deeply wishes you happy!13、有份幸福叫关爱,有份情义叫真爱,有份祝福叫平安,朋友,祝你幸福安康,好运常在。
21、He a happy love is, there is a kindness through love and blessings, called peace, friend, wish you a happy life and good luck throughout the year。