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英语祝福语简短毕业 英语祝福毕业赠言

日期·2025-03-19 00:04


英语祝福语简短毕业 英语祝福毕业赠言英语祝福语简短毕业 英语祝福毕业赠言

英语祝福语简短毕业 英语祝福毕业赠言

英语祝福语简短毕业 英语祝福毕业赠言


2、【 #小学英语# 导语】崇高的理想是一个人心上的太阳,它能照亮生活中的每一步路。

3、以下是 整理的《小学毕业生英语祝福语》,希望帮助到您。

4、 【篇一】您的侄儿祝您新年快乐。


6、If you don't fly, you'll fly into the sky; if you don't, you'll be amazed.2、腰板挺得笔直的人,终究不会走在攀登者队伍的前列。

7、He who has a straight waist will nr be in the forefront of the climbers.3、一时的挫折往往可以通过不屈的搏击,变成学问及见识。

8、A moment of frustration can often be transformed into learning and insight through indomitable fighting.4、智者的梦再美,也不如愚人实干的脚印。

9、The dream of a wise man is no more beautiful than the footprints of a fool.5、相信就是强大,怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰就是力量。

10、Belief is power, doubt is restraint, and faith is power.6、知识是一匹无私的骏马,谁能驾驭它,它就属于谁。

11、Knowledge is a selfless horse. Whor can control it belongs to it.7、不从泥泞不堪的小道上迈步,就踏不上铺满鲜花的大路。

12、If you don't step on the muddy path, you won't be able to walk on the road covered with flowers.8、自己打败自己是可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是可贵的胜利。

13、To defeat oneself is the most tragic failure, and to defeat oneself is the most precious victory.9、往前走,决不能把命运的纤绳,拴在青春的幻想上。

14、Moving forward, we must not tie the rope of destiny to the illusion of youth.10、志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。

15、A climber who aspires to the summit will not be intoxicated with some footprint along the way.【篇二】1、不要惧怕,中学正是你们实现自我管理,自我提升的关键阶段。

16、Don't be afraid. Middle school is the key stage for you to achi self-mament and self-improvement.2、鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。


18、Birds he wings and people he ambitions. Ambition is the door of a career, confidence is the starting point of a career.3、废铁之所以能成为有用的钢材,是因为它经得起痛苦的磨练。

19、The reason why scrap iron can become useful steel is that it can withstand painful tempering.4、抱负,是高尚行为成长的萌芽;用毅力去浇洒,它就开花!Ambition is the germination of noble behior; sprinkle it with persrance, and it blossoms!5、只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。

20、As long as you can harvest sweetness, there will be bees busy in the thorns.6、不管多么险峻的高山,总是为不畏艰难的人留下一条攀登的路。

21、No matter how steep the mountains are, they always lee a way for those who are not afraid of difficulties to climb.7、人之所以有一张嘴,而有两只耳朵,原因是听的要比说的多一倍。

22、The reason why people he a mouth and two ears is that they listen tw as much as they say.8、不要学花儿只把春天等待,要学燕子把春天衔来。

23、Don't wait for spring to learn flowers. Learn swallows to bring spring to you.9、只要心中有一片希望的田野,勤奋耕耘将迎来一片翠绿。



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