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日期·2025-03-20 20:35





1、the primary pure of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make ry mouthful sweet.教师节祝福语英文短句教师节祝福语英文短句,一年一度的教师节即将到来,在教师节的这一天同学们通常会为老师送上祝福,不同的祝福语在不同的节日有不同的作用,那怎么用英文祝福老师呢,下面我和大家分享教师节祝福语英文短句。

2、教师节祝福语英文短句1 1、衷心感谢您,我孩子的恩师。

3、My sincere thanks to you for being my childs teacher. 2、无尽的恩情,永远铭记心中。

4、Endless kindness, forr in the heart. 3、您就象我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。

5、You are our parents, we all love you. 4、老师!我都将以生命的翠绿为你祝福!The teacher! I will take life green bless for you! 5、老师,您辛苦了!祝老师桃李满天下!Teacher, you were laborious! I wish the teacher plum with the world! 6、对您的谢意,无法用语言来表达。

6、教师节快乐!Thanks for you, he no words to express. Happy teachers day! 7、每个成长的日子里,我都要祝福你,我的老师。

7、Each growth days, I will bless you, my teacher. 8、不变的是您深沉的爱和灿烂的笑容,祝福您,亲爱的老师!Constant is your deep love and ile, bless you, my能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。

8、 dear teacher! 9、是您每天给我们浇水,您辛苦了,园丁! 10、不管我将来人生的路将是怎样,我都会永远爱您,老师!Whatr the road of life will be my future, I will always love you, teacher! 11、我只想说一声:“老师您辛苦了。

9、”祝您身体健康,万事如意!I just want to say: "teacher you hard." I wish you a healthy body, all the best! 12、这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。


11、 13、您给了我灿灿如金的生活真谛,经过岁月的磨洗,弥久而愈明!You ge me brassy gold in life, after years of remaining, the more long and bright! 14、虽然我不是您出色的`学生,但您却是我心目中出色的老师!Although I am not your best student, but you are my heart the best teacher! 15、教师节,愿您身体健康,幸福美好,一生平安,永远快乐!Teachers day, wish you health, happiness, life and peace, and happiness forr!教师节祝福语英文短句2 1、莘莘学子心,难忘恩师情。

12、many students heart, unforgettable teacher. 2、老师,在阳光下,您给我们雨露。

13、teacher, in the sun, you give us the rain. 3、我把诚挚的祝福送给您,青春永驻!i put my best wishes to you, youth! 4、愿全天下的伯乐,能与太阳一样灿烂辉煌!let all the bole of the world, can be bright as the sun! 5、在这个特别的日子里,我想您说声:节日快乐!on this special day, i want to you say: happy holidays! 6、我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您感激您。

14、we like you to be our teacher, we respect you thank you. 7、我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您、感激您。

15、we like you to be our teacher, we honor you, thank you. 8、我的第二母亲,老师你辛苦了!教师节快乐!my second mother, the teacher you hard! happy teachers day! 9、桃李满天下,恩情似海深,祝老师身体健康!all the peaches and kindness deep as the sea, i wish the teacher health! 10、祝福敬爱的老师身体健康,桃李满天下。

16、bless my respected teacher healthy body, the plum the whole country. 11、教师节到,唯以无声的短信问候,回报无言的大爱!to the teachers day, only to silent message greetings, return silent love! 12、您的教诲催我风雨兼程,我的祝福伴您昼夜耕耘。

17、instructing yoush me trials and hardships, my blessings with you day and night. 13、天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。

18、感谢您,老师!the ends of the earth has made, only shien infinite period. thank you, teacher! 14、教师力量的全部秘密,就在于深信人是可以改变的。

19、the whole secret of the teachers force lies in the conviction that men are convertible. 15、老师,您就是滋润我们心田的春雨,我们将永远感谢您。

20、teacher, you are spring rain moistens our hearts, we will always be grateful to you.。


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