Congratulations on your graduation! plishedGood luck in all that youll achi.
Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.
I it out to Japan Fangxin flowers.
We had been toger for two trees, we he a duet of two vos, we he a buddy on the school desks. When we wed goodbye, please accept my affectionate blessing.
月光的温柔,比不上同学的温馨;星星的闪耀,比不上朋友的点缀7、 毕业了,我忘不了:陪失恋的我喝酒的你,在我没钱的时候雪中送炭的你,把踢球受伤的我背进医院的你。你们是我的铁哥们,是我的好兄弟。眼看就要分别了,我祝福你们爱情事业双丰收,好运财运都降临!;夜空的美妙,比不上同窗的珍贵。即将毕业说再见,愿你夜夜都有好梦,天天快乐都能相随,时时把我都来想起!
1、 要毕业了,不想道离别,因为不舍,不想说再见,因为不忍,不想写留言,因为难分,唯有送上祝福,愿你一切都好,心中默默祈祷,愿你前程似锦,常联系哟。
2、 毕业了,几年的磨练,造就了你挺拔的身躯,高昂的斗智,坚强的毅力,练就了劈荆斩棘、追风捕雨、驱雷逐电的本领,祝你离开校园,不断开拓、不断奋进、步入无比绚丽的人生!
3、 愿:你的理想像雨一样展现,你的未来向光一样辉煌,你的人生像霞一样美满; 在毕业之际,送给你真心的祝愿和诚挚的问候。
4、 因为学业我们相聚,日日苦读,夜夜温习;因为学业我们又要分离,各奔东西,去追寻更高的学府。没有今日的付出,哪有明日的辉煌?再见了同学,不要伤心,不要哭泣,明日我们还会再聚,背起智慧的行囊,勇敢前行吧,成功依然在等你。毕业赠言
5、 毕业的分别很无奈,虽然不舍,但要各自东西;毕业的分别很期待,期待成功,期待重逢。毕业分别之际,送上对你最诚挚的祝福,愿我们再次相聚时,朋友均健康快乐,事业有成。
8、 空荡荡的教室,告别了昨日的喧嚣;孤单单的我告别了同窗的挚友。毕业了,你悄悄地离去,为何不说出来,让我为你送行!发条短信给你,愿你回家的旅途一路顺风,愿你逐梦的道路永远平坦。
9、 将过去的一切打入行囊,将同学的情谊铭记心间。毕业典礼后,我们就将踏上各自梦想的历程。毕业了,分开了,把这的祝福化作短信,发给我最亲近的你,愿快乐与你相伴,幸福天天见面,生活多姿多彩,烦恼忧愁全都滚蛋!
10、 我们匆匆告别,走向各自的远方,没有相识的话语,只有离别的眼泪和永恒的思念,祝愿大家在以后的道路上宏图,一帆风顺。
11、 记忆里,我们为了理想,努力攀登科学山峰;课堂上,我们朗朗的读书声,激烈的辩论;运动场上,我们顽强的拼搏,冲刺时的倩影。毕业之后,我们虽各奔东西,但我们的心永远在一起,为我们的前程祝福吧!
12、 不是眼泪懦弱,只是感情深刻;不是话语不多,只是时间紧迫;不是岁月蹉跎,只是依依不舍;不是幼稚爆破,只是毕业降落,转眼毕业了,愿同窗的你一切安好,莫忘联系。
13、 青春花开花红,离别才知情浓。你的身影是帆船,我的目光是河流,毕业了,送你一程又一程。祝愿你一帆风顺,前程锦绣!
14、 希望毕业只是短暂的分别,希望你早日收到大学录取通知书,希望你以后常常想起我,发个短信给我,希望我们都有一个美好的未来,为了我们美好的希望努力吧。
15、 相聚总有分别时,天下没有不散的宴席,毕业季,往日欢乐告一段落,未来幸福正在招手。愿你乐观积极,勇敢迈步,踏上人生最美的创业季!祝你成功!
16、 一段录像定格我们青春的记忆,一桌聚会沿袭我们不变的友谊,一声珍重道尽我们彼此的祝福,一汪泪水饱含我们的恋恋不舍。毕业了,我的人们,未来的日子我们都要记得努力加油。
17、 我们曾是远方来的两棵孤独的小树,我们曾经是胆小柔弱的两只小兔,我们曾经是一张课桌上互相鼓励加油的学友,经历四年的拼搏我们勇敢自信坚强。今天我们将挥手告别说再见,请接受我深情的祝福,平安健康幸福快乐成功。
18、 充满酸甜苦辣的同窗三年,忘不了我们在课堂上的争论,忘不了我们在球场上的奔跑,忘不了我们在考场上的奋斗,忘不了我们在烛光中的歌唱,多么美好多么值得回忆。即将毕业说再见,祝老同学时刻把我记起,永远平安幸福。
19、 大学时光很美好,无忧无虑,色彩斑斓;大学时光很短暂,光阴荏苒,转瞬即逝。毕业已到,分手在即,发送祝福,伴你永远,日日顺意有成绩,天天幸福发大财!毕业留言
20、 毕业了,有太多的怀念;分别了,有太多的不舍。忘不了你给我到来的早餐,真香!忘不了你送我的围巾,真暖!忘不了你对的关心,真温馨!忘不了告别时的泪水,真咸。今日发来我的祝愿,愿你永远开朗快乐,永远活泼美丽。
Teacher, hello! Time flies, Riyuerusuo, blink of an eye and we will work with yooom to say goodbye! Remember when we were walking in the campus, a breath of fresh air; remember when we were in the light, listening to you inculcate. And now, you must tears and wed to us, we said goodbye to. Teachers, we can not forget you, forget the romantic time we spent toger, the teacher, you are assured that we will be good!
I found a few for you. Now I he to say fareware. “Welcome r iles, And farewell goes out sighing.” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) Similar Quotes. “That farewell kiss which resembles greeting, that last glance of love which becomes the sharpest pang of sorrow.” George Eliot quotes (English Victorian Novelist. Pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans, 1819-1880) “Sweets to the sweet: farewell!” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “Don't be diayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.” Richard Bach quotes (American Writer, author of 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull', 。
“Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.” “The play is done; the curtain drops, Slow falling to the prompter's bell A moment yet the actor stops And looks around to say farewell. It is an irksome word and task: And when he's laughed and said his say, He shows, as he removes the mask, A face that's anything but gay.” William Makepeace Thackeray quotes (Indian born English Author and Novelist of 'Vanity Fair', 1811-1863) “Nr say goodbye, say farewell.” “Every day I shall put my s in order and ry day I shall say farewell. And the real farewell, when it comes, will only be a all outward confirmation of what has been accomplished within me from day to day.” Etty Hilsum quotes “Farewell -- farewell, For I am weary of the weight of time.” William Butler Yeats quotes (Irish prose Writer, Dramatist and Poet. Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. 1865-1939)。
Genial , clear spring is in general sweet like your love , sun like kindness , spring breeze. Your love , ratio father love are austere , exquisite , purer than friendly affection than mother love. Your-- teacher's love , land under heen are great , the noblest and purest. 您的爱,太阳一般温暖,春风一般和煦,清泉一般甘甜。
您的爱Congratulations! Earning your Master's degree is an achiment of note, and I hope you are feeling proud and happy——as you deserve。,比父爱更严峻,比母爱更细腻,比友爱更纯洁。您--老师的爱,天下最伟大,洁。
Spring silkworm lifetime had not said the words praising self as , the silver wire that spits out is the rule measuring life value. Teacher esteemed and beloved , you he been nr before others florid , the peaches and plums that is in full bloom, is maximal valuation but to you. 春蚕一生没说过自诩的话,那吐出的银丝就是丈量生命价值的尺子。敬爱的老师,您从未在别人面前炫耀过,但那盛开的桃李,就是对您的评价。
Dear teacher
Thank you so much for teaching me all these years. Without you it would he been imsible for me to graduate from junior middle school so will nr forget your teachings, not only the English language, but also the wisdom of life. They are a great treasure which I shall always cherish for the rest of my life. Three years are just a short chapter of my life, but you he made it a really important and unforgettable is no word powerful enough to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. I just hope that after my graduation, you could still remember me and continue to give me guidance and a when I need your good care of yourself, miss you truly,
我永远不会忘记您的教导,不仅是英语,但也是人生的智慧。他们是一个伟大的宝库,我将永远珍惜在我的余生。 3年只是一个简短的一章我的生活,但你已作出了一个非常重要的和令人难忘的篇章。
serval days he passed ,we he got on well with we knew you will lee us ,we feel so happy memory will he forr in each other's heart!
In the sea ses the friend, the horizon, if neighbor .
About the difference, to say too much, thousands and thousands of words into a sentence, forget me not.
Perhaps this is the fate of all the process has already been arranged.
Come and go in a hurry, a thread from a thousand, looking forward to a reunion.
Goodbye, my friend! Friends, treasure! Water rush, Rush years, only a love is always in my heart.
Durian snow, leisurely feeling, what autumn, hope to break the Tianya people return.
See the courthouse blossom, Rongrubujing, hope heen Yunjuanyunshu, has no intention to stay.
When you wear the wedding of love, I put on a monk's robe.
The rain shower air, tired of sadness, I remember the fairy tale has slowly melting.
Friends at one end, friends in the very huan. A treasure word, a ile.
Constant thoughts and blessings, a deep resonance in each other's heart.
Meet and farewell, sail sail and off shore, is the end of past joy, the beginning of future happiness.
I'm not always reluctant to lee you, but always want to see your ile, listen to your laughter.
The memory of the sea bosom friend, the world is like a neighbor. Inaction in the crossroads, children with towel.
Lee toger, are sometimes not what will be immortal.
Don't place YAN Dan, energy-sing. The past is gone, the water is cold today.
What, take care of yourself, I will not come over, I will call your cousin.
You go, send you a bouquet of flowers, the flower is my ile, I love the green lees are rgreen.
Please, take care of yourself. Don't interfere with other people's affairs.
Because you can't accept your pain, but once you accept, won't pain.
You think that is why friends I had such a pain in the heart.
I hope you know, someone always care about you, someone always miss you.
The moment the prosperous is an illusion, if not lust, maybe we can live better.
The clouds parted, water ten years. Love laughter as the old, the temples he been spotted.
Fish bait, because the fish with a fisherman, it may use the life to Bo fisherman ile.
About the difference, to say too much, thousands and thousands of words into a sentence.
Will be separate, I sincerely bless you forr , innocent, happy, upward breath.
Since love, why not say it, some things lost, will nr come back.
May my valediction is an umbrella, you can block the sun and wind and rain on the journey.
In the multi branch, disturbed only interested. Desolate Trinidad, desolate broken century.
Parting and reunion, is staged non-stop drama of life, habits, and no longer sad.
Not who left who cannot live, let us forget.
One day I will go away from your side silently, without any noise.
And two dependent. Poly is the strength of agglutination, scattered bright sowing.
The days without letters, like a pile of warm wood, was recalled with a mind full of oke.
The city of Shaanxi at five air que DES, tianjin. And the king of parting is over.
When yoevisit our dreams toger, then only depend on the moon Trinidad.
Happiness on the face, others see. Who can feel the pain in my heart?.
Nr said that before the separation of people, already scattered on the horizon.
Water rush, Rush years, only our friendship is always in my heart. Goodbye, my friend! Friends, treasure!
When I think, and numerous; today I to say all.
I also looked for a long time when I graduated, and I finally found it. I hope I can you.
The sky was hazy, falling, like full of melancholy parting heart.
When the tears streaming down, just know, separate is another to understand.
Today, students break up, a word: treasure! Tomorrow the alumni reunion, he a success!
Do not say the love easily, the promise is a debt owed.
If one day, we want to break up, please don't let me see you again in the rest of my life!
Silver candle oke spit, energy-sing. From Tangsi Qinse, not the road around the mountains.
Long pided by river and sea, a few degrees across the mountains. Energy-sing, the sad.
Leaning over the railings, but no human emotions, where the s, the return of the road.
Don't try to find any excuse, no excuse for the error before the wrong is wrong.
Disappointed disappointment in no one can accomplish my test.
We are the same, too all, difficult to control the fate of the prompted by a sudden impulse.
After the feeling of happiness may only be a moment, the moment is a wonderful person.
The wild flowers greet the short brown, and the Dragon whip the whip. Zhijiu chat send, green door drunk to sleep.
Whatr the fate brought us to where, the ties of friendship will always bring us toger.
Crouching in the corner, waiting for the wound healed, willing to love and hate dare lost.
No one is always around. Some people stay, some people lee.
Love in you lee my mark, but remember that you nr belongs to me.
Graduated, want to keep those warm days, how eager to throw into the stream of life.
The farther away, Miss closer, this is the only reason for the eternal back.
I ask you to drink a cup of water home, you go through the world, don't forget the hometown in chest.
Wher you go to the far-off regions, no matter how long you are away, I will be waiting for.
Other people, when the moon is full. Delay in letters. He said, with no, just love.
Friends, friends, good bye!! water rush, Rush years, only a love is always in my heart.
You are not me crazy, I'm not your place.
My heart for you forr open, please remember my eyes, it will light up your way back.
The personnel is vast, Wanlixing Jun's departure. Bridge not to send, Jiang Shuyuan feelings.
He is him, I am me, n if we are face to face, nr live in two different worlds.
I really want to, to ryone's faces to keep in mind.
The parting was so cruel, it will come sooner or later late or early.
No more words to each other, at this moment, as long as the hug is enough.
Don't forget to blame when people tears, hope and fear of hair dye akishimo.
No matter how reluctant, then we only he to laugh.
The thought that he could easily, the thought of what can be put down.
Miss the season, please don't forget me, as I always did not forget you.
For Biemo speech marigold wine. Entering the Dynasty must be close to jade stove oke. Who knows what year it will be.
I he waited for, day after day to. Energy-sing, cherish and against enemy.
给同学的祝福语英语1 1、愿你:事业有成,幸福快乐。
Wish you success in your career and happiness.
Friends, lets hold on to the best days of our lives and not let them fade into faded memories.
Wish you a ooth journey.
Let our life be full of iles. This sweet ile, will predict our future infinite beautiful!
May our friendship last forr. May you dream and live toger in the future.
Wishing yolasting friendship.
Today is different, mountains and rivers are long. Maybe some people will nr see you again. So ry time we say goodbye, we should try harder.
The reason why scrap iron can become useful steel is that it can withstand painful grinding.
That past cte life is a bunch of sugar gourds, that charming sweet and sour, will nr end!
Dont let the boat of pursuit dock in the harbor of fantasy, but should raise the sail of struggle and sail to the sea of real life.
11、外面的雨打在窗口,窗外浪漫的巴黎沉沉的睡去Because I was young at that time, I always thought too much about the future.,只有孤独陪着我继续走。
Outside the window, the rain beats against the window. Outside the window, the romantic Paris sleeps soundly. Only loneliness accompanies me to continue walking.
After graduation, no matter what kind of occupation you are engaged in, you should first be interested in your career if you want to succeed.
Wish you: wing goodbye, sailing!
When the rain and oke continued, the frost was as fragrant as r. Who are you drunk with? Flowers last year, now like butterflies fly apart.
Friendship is like plum blossoms standing against the snow in the winter and winter, blooming and warming your heart.
I know that you he set up a lofty ideal, so I firmly beli that you can create a brilliant tomorrow!
Graduated, the friends around me went their separate ways, and began to learn how to support the warm color of life by themselves.
Keep in mind that it doesnt matter what you say on the last stage anyway. Such an experience is necessary.
Friendship is a plum blossom standing in the snow, blooming, warming your heart and my heart.
Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.
You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height.
The earth is round. Todays departure is for the reunion of the other day.
May you strive hard and be bre to take the lead.
The vast sea of people, let you and I instantly toger and instantly separated, but your heart and forr know each other and tacit understanding.
Floating snowflakes, long thoughts, looking through the autumn, looking at the end of the world peoples return.
Your life is a fire, a fire and a heat; your life is a constant flow of water.
Memories always choose the most beautiful page, those unfolded buds, just another annotation of youth, no complaints and no regrets.
Without pines and cypress aspirations, transcendence is not high.
On graduation photos, there is no bright ile from us. Because we are going to be separated.
Come on, heres a bright future; come on, heres a iling face. Those who dare to pioneer, pledge to devote their lives to creation!
We had to part and say goodbye in a low vo, thanking you for giving me a deep friendship.
To be happy with what one speaks, one must he another listen attentively. Good words win audiences and good listening w4、三年同窗,共沐“一片阳光”;千余日子,谱写了多少“友谊诗篇”!亲爱的学友,毕业了,愿你永远如向日葵一样,笑容灿烂,创造辉煌!ins friends.
Meeting and saying goodbye, returning to sail and going offshore are not only the end of past happiness, but also the beginning of future happiness.
Friendship is the purest human feeling. People need friendship and pursue friendship. Bring hope and warmth to people.
1、Graduation is a time for rejoining and is also a time for reflection.You will be going out into the world to make a career for yourself.Wish you well in all your understandings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
2、Congratulations upon hing received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achiment you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatr career you pursue.
3、It was delightful news for me to learn that you he received a Doctor’s Degree from Chicago University.To he reached this milestone at a young age is great.I really envy you the opportunities that lie ahead.Hearty congratulations.
4、Congratulations, graduate.May all your dreams and plans turn to fulfillment and success.
20.Heartiest congratulations upon your graduation.Wishing you all the excent, all the challenge, all the happiness life call hold.
5、Im hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a compley new start.I beli that the knowledge you he acquired will enable you to be successful in whatr field you may enter.
6、we had been toger for two trees, we he a duet of two vos, we he a buddy on the school desks. when we wed goodbye, please accept my affectionate blessing。
7、congratulations on your graduation! wishing you a future filled with success。and joy of seeing your dreams come true. its such a pleasure to he a special。reason to congratulate you。
8、most want to hear your laughter, most want to see is your happiness, happiness is always with you, this is my most sincere wishes!
9、congratulations, Graduate, on all that youve accomplished…Good luck in all that youll achi。
10、cte a few years, you put the seeds of friendship sown in my soul. i will silently take it, well watered, cultivated, let it out to Japan Fangxin flowers。
11、i wish ooth sailing, erlongxizhu, an auspicious beginning, the four seasons make a fortune, with elephant, Double Six, Sn Star holding on, the eight-spring。
12、Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end。
13、Break up silently as it was quietly met. like the warm breeze, give you my affection to carry a blessing and prayer!
14、congratulations! earning your s degree is an achiment of note, and i hope you are feeling proud and happy——as you deserve。
15、when seeing you off, we express deep regret and wish you a pleasant journey。
离职 是当员工对工作不满意时,他们会尽量逃避和远离工作,这种现象就叫员工离职。以下是我精心收集整理的客户离职 祝福语 ,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
1, sincerely thank you for giving me care, sincerely thank you for giving me , sincerely thank you for giving me rything...... Regardless of the time, please accept my most sincere blessing!
May our friendship be rlasting. May you dream and live toger in the days to come.
3, no matter how time changes, let the sincere forr; No matter how the world changes, let the good forr; Regardless of the eyes or the horizon, let the beautiful forr; No matter the distance is near or far, let friends forr!
4, the footprints of life are deep and shallow, the taste of life is flat and light, the taste of love is bitter and sweet, only the longer the more warm friendship, would like to lee friendship uninterrupted, the truth will always be between!
5, parting tears, for the memory of the river to add new wes; Parting blessing, for the reunion once again opened the prelude.
6, I particularly look forward to the days in the future, we can still as in the past, is still a wine and poetry, free and unrestrained.
7, in my career, can meet the boss you such a good leader, is my blessing. Your and instruction to me is the most valuable treasure of my life, Which I will always bear in mind. I hope I can he the chance to get your instruction in the future.
At the business fair, your handsome demeanor, warm face and great courage... Before my eyes, I am proud to he a friend like you. May the swan goose send letters and communicate with each other.
9, gather also in a hurry, scattered also in a hurry, the flowers bloom and fall total infinity, only friendship hidden in the heart.
Thank you for your care and guidance during this period of my work, now you are leing us, although very reluctant to give up, but I still want to bless you, I hope you in the future life, work, health, rything goes oothly!
There is no goodbye, you he disappeared in the distance of the horizon. I stood as still as a young tree. Second, my heart is with you. I wonder if you realize?
The more you want to close, the more you feel away from the far. You are in a strange land, but the moon is with me forr. When will we be toger again?
13, in the wind and rain, walking on the muddy road, I will think of the explorer's road, think of you he been in the ups and downs of cynici and secular mud in the footsteps of firm. So, I praise: the road of wind and rain, muddy road - the road of the bre.
The road of life is long, we meet and separate. Reunion is always short, separation is long, only wish each other's heart can be closely toger, nr separate.
15, pioneering undertaking of the plowshare, although so hey; But you with extraordinary persrance, after all, step by step came! May the applause of the commencement ceremony turn into a drizzly spring rain to you sow the seeds of a better future!
16, a long distance, a long line, a long time wipe continuously, today, the distance of I he been in mind reading you, wish you sleep peacefully in other places, rich!
17, I may not be your most outstanding employee, but you are my most rred leader, thank you for taking care of me.
18. A day of photography? My instant consciousness only toger with the flash light bright: your beautiful image stay in the negative, at the same time branded in my heart.
Quietly you went as quietly as you came; You we a we sle, did not take a mm, the elder brothers, the an dozen heart thank you.
20, the road of life, leing too many footprints, there are deep and shallow, maybe this experience can be considered rich, but sometimes would rather dull, indifferent, but often can't let myself he such a calm state of mind, to face I don't want to face, don't want to know things!
客户离职祝福 句子
A little hao Ran gas, a thousand miles fast zai wind, wish you plain sailing!
Often think oneself is a lucky person. No matter when and where there is always someone to and care for me, experience again and again, again and again convinced that it is ryone with love and tolerance constitute my life dribs and drams, really thank you!
I cherish ry acquaintance in life, ry minute of warmth between heen and earth, ry tacit understanding between friends; Even parting is regarded as a double joy when we meet again.
Thank you to accompany me through the wind and rain, thank you in the most less when you encourage, thank you in the lonely at least he you, my dear friend, want to say really thank you to accompany me through life.
Thank you, boss, for your concern, encouragement and over the years. What you taught me in the past will benefit me for the rest of my life. I hope to he your a in the future.
Parting, is a bit difficult to give up in the heart, worried about the mood full heart; Parting, is the spread of regret, blessing words filled with his eyes, I wish you beli that the day of reunion will not be far away.
the weather turns cool, distant friends, please remember to add clothes, although we are now far away, but you always in my heart, nr forgotten. Dear friend, you will always be a light in my life. It's cold. Don't catch cold.
you are the sailing compass, me to break through the wes straight yunfan, you are flying wings, me eagles strike the sky soar in the sky, you are the night light, illuminate the direction of my forward, a loving leadership, send a sincere blessing.
I don't know what happened that prompted you to make this decision overnight, but I respect your cho, maybe we are really not suitable, I hope it is right.
1. My friend, we are going to part for a while, and I won't say "take care" any more. Try to cast a few all morning stars in the night that has not gone; Not much light, but enough to please the early treller.
2. Send you a glass of wine, I wish you a future road blessing long; Send you a cup of tea, I wish you a boundless future road; Send you a message, I wish you good luck on your way. Wish you: bon voyage!
3. Please keep my affection in your heart when time cannot keep us apart. White clouds leisurely toward flying dusk crossing, I will always hold it to greet you.
4. Tomorrow morning don't, I hope the clouds he been with you to go to the distant horizon; Flowers and grass are with you, spreading your distant future.
5 we had to part, quietly say goodbye; Thank you in my heart, thank you once ge me a deep friendship.
6. No matter how time changes, let sincerity forr; No matter how the world changes, let the good forr; Regardless of the eyes or the horizon, let the beautiful forr; No matter the distance is near or far, let friends forr!
7. Your exhort at other times undulates the far-reaching sound in my mind and exudes the delicate fragrance like blue.
8. Wish you success in your future life.
9. I cherish ry acquaintance in life, ry warmth between heen and earth, and ry tacit understanding between friends; Even parting is regarded as a double joy when we meet again.
10 we he to part, quietly say goodbye; Thank you in my heart, thank you once ge me a deep friendship.
11 life is long, you and I met and separated. Reunion is always short, separation is long, only wish each other's heart can be closely toger, nr separate.
12 on the road of life, leing too many footprints, there are deep and shallow, perhaps such experience can be considered rich, but sometimes would rather dull, indifferent, but often can not let oneself he such a calm state of mind, to face I do not want to face, do not want to know things!
13 people's life, there are a lot of things can not stop, just as can not stop the pace of time, can not stop is the coming parting and give up. Melancholy and parting sadness in the rise slowly, but at the moment the heart is very calm, each other's blessing will slowly diffuse in our hearts, in the future on the road, my friend, more self-confidence, you will succeed!
14 people's life, there are a lot of things can not stop, just as can not stop the pace of time, can not stop is the coming parting and give up. Melancholy and parting sadness in the rise slowly, but at the moment the heart is very calm, each other's blessing will slowly diffuse in our hearts, in the future on the road, my friend, more self-confidence, you will succeed!
15. First, I recall the happy past when we worked toger; second, I congratulate him on his promotion and his great career; third, I hope our friendship will last forr and we will keep in touch with each other regularly. I wish you all a successful career and a happy family!
16 gather and lee seems to be the notes of life will nr stop, like a cup of bitter coffee, leing the bitter in the mouth, and the sweet fragrance with years of precipitation, always stay in my memory!
17 you he your way, I he my way, but can not forget us toger ry morning and ning, no matter how far away the road, no matter the ends of the earth, please don't forget my most heartfelt blessing to you.
18 wed goodbye, sailing, forget, is that you throw the rope of friendship, imperceptubly firmly in my heart.
19 parting tears is the sea, meet the embrace is the sail. Parting is to meet again. Parting is to meet again. Dear colleagues, I wish you a successful attitude to work, hard life. Dear colleagues, I wish you a successful attitude to work, hard life.
20. Although we meet and lee in a hurry, we he eternity in the short course of life. We beli that today's friendship is the memory of tomorrow.
1. We goodbye, sail away, forget, is that you throw the rope of friendship, imperceptibly firmly in my heart.
Flowers bloom and pilions, spring goes and spring comes again. Time is stranded, years in circulation, the same is our friendship. At the time of parting, blessing brings you good wishes: may you he a pleasant journey.
Before you say goodbye, you he disappeared into the distant horizon. I stood as still as a young tree. Second, my heart is with you. I wonder if you realize?
4 you he your way, I he my way, but I can't forget the day and night when we were toger, no matter how long the journey is, no matter the ends of the earth, please don't forget my most heartfelt blessing to you.
5 we had to part, quietly say goodbye; Thank you in my heart, thank you once ge me a deep friendship.
6. We parted amid a light mist. Dew, yingying, like your innocent eyes; Fog, misty, like my thick sorrow of parting.
7 gather and lee seems to be the notes of life will nr stop, like a cup of bitter coffee, leing the bitter in the mouth, and mellow fragrance with years of precipitation, always stay in my memory
8 today cte break up, say: "take care!" Ming alumni meet, congratulations: "success!"
9 mood often updated, can not always worry, trouble relax heart, trifles do not bother, parents to filial piety, friends to really, love to heart, work to bother, you want to always happy, others just rest assured, I wish ry day happy!
10. Quietly you left, just as quietly you came, you handed in a resignation letter, did not take a group of subordinates, it is really not interesting.
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★ 2016给客户祝福语
That year, with dreams in mind, we rushed around in a hurry.
Graduated, the topic is no longer gossip, study, work, future and marriage.
It's the graduation season of another year. It's time to disperse. It's also time to disperse.
As soon as you graduate, you will be separated and forgotten.
Graduation is like scissors cutting rything short, like stones knocking rything apart.
A good friend is , a good friendship is clear and refreshing, and a good fate will nr be far away!
We goodbye and say treasure, friendship will last forr.
After graduation, find me soming, find me nothing.
Graduated, but not as happy as I imagined.
Say goodbye to school, but don't say goodbye to youth.
I miss the past, my friends and my sincere friendship.
May my farewell speech be an umbrella that will shelter you from the scorching sun and rain on your journey.
A school is a place where a group of people are gathered toger and a group of people are separated.
Next summer, the classroom will be full again. Unfortunay, it will not be us anymore.
This June is very painful. I want to l you after graduation that I am not as strong as you think.
Graduated, ryone is gone! Meet, you forget us!
Graduation year, in order to embrace you. He cried and hugged the whole class.
There is a beauty called youth, there is a parting called graduation.
Graduated, once those who do not care about people and things, now think how Pcious.
Life is a rare encounter with a confidant. Don't miss it when you encounter it.
A poem, a word, a long goodbye from you, can evoke thousands of thoughts.
Time takes a lot of things away from us, and in the end we only he photos.
Four years of persrance, four years of wind and rain in the same boat, thank you all the way with you.
Life is always about love, friendship flashes through my eyes and your expectations.
It took three seconds to take graduation photographs, but it took three years.
Memories of the scenes are piecing toger to remind me that you he gone away.
This early summer, the interPtation of joy and sorrow.
Youth is always more sad, cold time, hurt the heart.
Dear friends, please don't be sad, after parting, cherish each other.
It's my fault to think you are. Waiting is less. I was in your dream, longing for your gentleness, n if it was teasing and giving.
It's March in Yangc. It's the time of flowers and willows. Everything recovers and presents a beautiful scene full of vitality.
Send you a blessing, in this beautiful day, wish you he sincere happiness and joy.
As long as there is the sunshine of truth, n in the cracks of stones, the grass grows vigorously. And no one can hide the sunshine of truth!
What are you doing? I miss you. I really want to become a little bug and get into your ears to see if you are still bored with me.
There is no gorgeous language, no bold words, but my thanks to you will not be reduced by one point.
People are iron, r is steel, a meal is not gry panic, eat good, drink good rest, the body will be healthier!
In life, the value of health far outweighs fame and wealth. May you take care of yourself with moderate work and leisure.
The meeting is always short, but the separation is long. May our hearts follow closely and nr be separated.
Dear, if rything goes well, raise your hand to draw a love, into the sky persrance, I wish you happiness forr.
Friends are brothers, brothers are brothers, brothers are brothers; brothers and feet are inseparable, broken tendons and tendons, we are always good brothers.
Your friendship, like a lamp in my life, illuminates my heart and makes my life glorious.
The moon and the stars are right, because you he left; the breeze is silent, because I am crying; and I am silent, because I still miss you.
The first wind that closes the door in the morning is my loyal greetings to you; the stars that nr fall at night are my good night wishes to you.
Spiritual and calm. Eat a moderate diet, be careful of the cold and warm. When living in mind, work and leisure are n.
Students, let those sweet whispers ofSending you a glutinous r dumpling. the past ning be buried in the bottom of my heart and turned into beautiful memories.
It's hard to part, but not sad. It's a little regrettable, but not pessimistic. Because there is hope of meeting in comfort.
May my farewell speech be an umbrella to protect you from the scorching sun and rain on your journey.
Don't forget my friendship easily. I always remember, remember, I am such a lovely friend oh!
Thank you for your care, thank you for your , thank you for rything you he done to me at any time, please accept my sincere wishes!
Turn countless thoughts into infinite blessings in your heart, silently pray for you, wish you health and happiness!
Half of the day has passed. Send out a message and say good afternoon. Cheer up, finish your work as soon as sible, and go home early for dinner!
Bosom friend, do not need to say much, to communicate with heart; friendship, can not be expressed, to taste with heart.
Don't bring your own troubles because of the foolishness of all living beings. Don't suffer yourself because of the ignorance of all living beings.
Sincere greetings. Wish to gather the infinite spring light for you, let it shine in your heart, and make you happy and comfortable ry day! uuuuuuuuuu
Receiving my text message, you must be very happy, I still miss you in the distance, I wish you a pleasant journey.
根深叶茂无疆业,源远流长6、 回首往事匆匆,今日面临别离,我们要在今日告别亲爱的母校,告别消逝的伤悲,告别朝夕相处的同学。走过的春夏秋冬,走过的灯光书影,走过的教师宿舍,都在我们心里深深的刻上烙印,毕业了,祝福大家年年交好运,天天笑哈哈。有道财。东风利市春来有象,生意兴隆日进无疆。
Deep-rooted, leafy and boundless, with a long history of wealth. Dongfengli City is like spring, and business is booming day by day.
When autumn comes, rything turns out to be good and humane, with a hot summer, leing a cool autumn.
The spring breeze in March touched the ends of my hair, bringing me not only silk puzzlement, but also a chill.
The tears of parting are the sea, and the embrace of reunion is the sail. Goodbye is for meeting again. Goodbye is for meeting again.
1.Time is flying away,and years are passing by.Only our friendship is always in my heart.Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!
2.Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lonely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I've send you.
3.Life is a profound book.Other's notes cannot replace your own understanding.May you find and create soming new in it.
4.Don't be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be rlasting.
5.Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hands of longing.Wishing you happiness forr!
6.I he three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joy be always with you and me!May we often meet each other!
7.Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end.
8.If I should meet thee,
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.
—〔Britain〕George Gordon Byron
多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声。 ———〔英〕拜伦
Congratulations, Graduate, on all that you've accomplished…Good luck in all that you'll achi。
Cte a few years, you put the seeds of friendship sown in my soul. I will silently take it, well watered, cultivated, let it out to Japan Fangxin flowers。
I wish ooth sailing, Erlongxizhu, an auspicious beginning, the four seasons make a fortune, with Elephant, Double Six, Sn Star holding on, the eight-spring。
Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and m e on the other end。
Break up silently as it was quietly met. Like the warm breeze, give you my affection to carry a blessing and prayer!
When seeing you off, we express deep regret and wish you a pleasant journey。
Don't be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize your chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be rlasting。
3 the desired spring, we planted three times; three golden autumn, we harvested three times; We he three fire by tempering the summer and three winter tests, do not forget this gusto, impressive time。
Blown away the blessing of the heart Xu, expect rain blurred vision, I fastened the memorial complex, I beli one day we will meet again!
Today's laughter, the breeze moon tonight, OK is not eternal, not enough time to share the last glass of wine, I he to go our separate ways, Cherish, Jacky。
I wish yoy success in the future, You are worthy success.qihii。
It's wonderful to know that you he completed the dream of a lifetime。
Time is flying away,and years are passing by.Only our friendship is always in my heart.Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!
我们拥有 6 个Life sing grace, nr forget! Leaders and colleagues to my donation, to my deep grace, I will stay in my heart! No matter where I go in the future, I will always remember this deep love.在一起的.春秋,每一次游戏,每一次探讨,每一次争吵,都将成为我记忆中珍贵的一页。
We he six with the Spring and Autumn, ry , ry study, ry argument, I will become a precious memory。
Today cte break, say: treasure! Alumni meet, Ming, HE 1: Success!
We had been toger for two trees, we he a duet of two vos, we he a buddy on the school desks. When we wed goodbye, please accept my affectionate blessing。
Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you a future filled with success。and joy of seeing your dreams come true. It's such a pleasure to he a special。reason to congratulate you。
Most want to hear your laughter, most want to see is your happiness, happiness is always with you, this is my most sincere wishes!
goodbye take care of oneself
take good care of yourself treasure
bon voyageWith all my joy, I pray for you. I wish you peace and happiness in this year. <法>一路平安, 再见
plain sailing 1平安航行2一帆风顺
t1、那一年我们怀揣着梦想,匆匆忙忙,东奔西闯。ake care
all the best to you
保重,take care of youself
一路顺风, bon voyage
he a good time
best wishes
he a good way home
How time flies. I can not belive i will graduate in this year. I say goodbye to ry cte and my teache同一个校园,记录了同样的青春,同一个年级,记载了同样的情深,同一个班级,记下了同样的友谊,要毕业了,唯有愿你好运连连,工作顺利,鸿图大展,前程似锦。rs. I feel a little sad becasue i sibly can not see them again in my life.
My friends are try their best to find a good job or go abroad. I stand in front of the university. i do not know my future is bright and what is the my career. But one thing i beli if i do my best, i will get what i want.
I will miss you, all my friends! One day, we will meet again in another place.