1` Dear teacher, thank you for your guidance. Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, I wish you good health and ooth work, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
中秋祝福语走心语录英文 中秋祝福语的英文翻译
中秋祝福语走心语录英文 中秋祝福语的英文翻译
2`Words do skin, filling blessing to do, my dear teacher, wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Happy mooncake White represents the purity of our friendship, heat the temperature of the fireplace on behalf of our friendship, loud bell on behalf of the depth of our friendship! Friends, merry Christmas!festival!
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
Happy Mid-Autumn Day
Happy Moon Festival
Infants round on the 15th, oanthus fragrance, Mid-Autumn festival wandering away from home in homesickness; Chang 'e regret rushes, and yutu dao medicine busy read thoughts like riverside; Greeting message short, long, blessed sound let home person heart happiness, healthy body!1、秋风清,秋月明,相思相见,知何日?祝中秋节快乐!
1、I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and ry success.
中秋节:the Mid-autumn Festival(15th day of the 8th lunar month)
3.Best of luck in the year to come.月亮:moon
月饼:moon cake
回家:go home
中秋节快乐 Happy Moon Festival
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to You. 祝你中秋节快乐。
1、Happy Mid-autumn Festival!中秋节快乐!
2、Happy Mid-autumn Day!中秋节快乐!
3、Booming flowers and full moon.花好月圆26. 月圆家圆人圆事圆圆圆团团,国和家和人和事和和和美美。祝全家幸福、和气满堂、合家欢乐!。
4、The bright moon is rising above the sea, ryone faraway enjoy the same moment.海上生明月,天涯共此时。
5、The bright moon in front of the window,you and I miss our hometown.窗前明月光,你我思故乡。
6、My one wish for you is long life,and to share in this loveliness far, far away.但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。
7、The moon is much more brighter in the hometown.月是故乡明。
9、The Mid-Autumn festival is a very important Chinese festival.中秋节是一个很重要的节日。
10、People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival.人们在赏月的同时吃着中秋节特别的食品--月饼。
11、On that day people usually go back home to he family reunion.在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚。
12、At this time the people always eat the moon cake.在这个节日人们经常喜欢吃月饼。
1、Full Moon in this moment, I send a belated blessing to you dream of a round, ince circle, a more rounded person.在这月圆的时刻,我送一个迟到的祝福,愿你梦圆,情圆,人更圆。
2、To he a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.今晚和你在月光中散步是我的梦想。
3、Would you like to go and ade the beauty of the moon with me tonight?今晚能邀你一同赏月吗?
4、How can any of a thousand miles peace ?and is sent away to miss. , Followed by love and care, deep affection and good wishes, the Mid-Autumn joy!千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,中秋快乐!
5、Festival times Sze Chen, the round moon is my heart. Fellow think of the moon Trinidad situation, I Zhiyuan you more intimate.中秋佳节倍思亲,圆圆明月是我心。明月千里寄思情,只愿你我更贴心。
6、When we are toger, n the moon in the sky will be jealousy.如果我们在一起,天上的月亮也会嫉妒的。
7、Full Moon is the time when I miss you! Regardless of our distance from more distant, are unstoppable, I deeply miss you!月圆的时候就是我想念你们的时候!无论我们的距离多遥远,都挡不住我对你深深的思念!
8、My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you so.在月色廖人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的你听到我的心跳了吗?
9、East or west, home is best.金窝,银窝不如自己的狗窝。
10、To the Mid-Autumn Festival, the past year, I want to l you the yearning to Yuelao listen!将我的真心,放在你的手心,愿你好好珍藏,细细呵护!
11、Mid-Autumn Festival, the children also won a round, I was less half of the moon. Fellow Acacia plight of a thousand miles away, Ho, Ho, now Huanyan ?中秋的月儿圆又圆,()我的月亮却少半边。千里遥寄相思苦,何年何月现欢颜?
12、I really will, on your palm, you would like to make good collection, carefully protected!明月千里难以触摸,对你的思念无处寄托。举杯邀明月,请她对你说:福多!钱多!快乐多!
13、Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.在这团聚的日子里祝节日快乐。
14、Where we love is home, home that our feet may lee, but not our hearts.家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。
15、Wang cited the first Haoyue, Ningsi matches. If a Seoul company, Wuhan end his life!中秋佳节到了,我要把一年来对你的思念诉说给月老听!
16、The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.月饼已吃,甜蜜犹存
17、Without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.没有你在我身边,天上月圆圆,我心却空落落。
18、Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were children? Best wishes for you!还记得儿时我们共度的那个中秋吗?祝你节日快乐。
19、Feelings of love, concern of the festive season. Full Moon home, complete the Mid-Autumn Festival.亲情爱情,情系佳节。家园月圆,中秋。
20、Although you not to eat the moon cakes, but we want to feel like we he the wes to you.虽然没能吃到你的月饼,但我们想把我们波涛般的心情传递给你。
21、The more full moon, the more we miss the love you! Moon Represents My Heart … I love you!越是月圆时,越是思念深爱的你!月亮代表我的心…我爱你!
中秋节祝福语 1. 八月中秋月儿圆,对着嫦娥表思念,心中的人啊你可看见,嫦娥也在默默祝愿,愿你生活比蜜甜!
2. 爸爸:让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福…祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事美满.
3. 时光如梭岁月如歌,祝福速度堪比,谁能胜过我的执着,就是要你幸福快乐,祝中秋佳节合家团圆!
4. 我们的距离虽然远,但是你永远挂在我心中,就如八月十五这一天,希望永远记的我,中秋节快乐。
5. 愿中秋佳节:春风洋溢您家人关心您爱情滋润您财神宠幸您朋友忠于您我会祝福您幸运之星永远照着您!
6. 远方的朋友你是否无恙?在这个思念的季节里,改变的我的容颜,不变的是永远牵挂你的心!真心愿你佳节快乐!!
7. 亲爱的:不要悲伤,我们虽远隔千山万水。只要我们相互牵恋,思念我们同样可以共享明月!
8. 听到~想到~心到,说到~做到~得到,时间到~我的美好祝福已全部让你收到.中秋快乐!微笑甜甜!
9. 中秋月圆了是祝福的时候,祝你永远幸福,没有烦恼,永远快乐,只有微笑,天使没你纯洁,花儿没你灿烂!
10. 去年圆月时,花灯亮如昼;月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后!今年圆月时,月与灯依旧;不见去年人,泪湿春衫袖。
11. 世间竟会有如此巧合的事呀,让这欢庆的佳节给你给我和所有人美满的生活和谐温馨的梦想吧!
12. 我们的距离虽然远,但是你永远挂在我心中,就如八月十五这一天,希望永远记的我,中秋节快乐。
13. 愿中秋佳节:春风洋溢您家人关心您爱情滋润您财神宠幸您朋友忠于您我会祝福您幸运之星永远照着您!
14. 远方的朋友你是否无恙?在这个思念的季节里,改变的我的`容颜,不变的是永远牵挂你的心!真心愿你佳节快乐!!
15. 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。
17. 中秋佳节至,快乐答试题。填空:名扬古今()外,情溢春夏()冬,若是()马加鞭,定能()在其中。:中秋快乐。
18. 中天皓月明世界,遍地笙歌乐团圆。祝您的事业更加成功,从本次月圆时开始,好事不断。。。中秋节快乐!
19. 在工作中有你的关心和问候,在同行的路上有你祝福和微笑,我感激:红尘中有你同行,在此祝你中秋快乐!
20. 正确的方向,积极的思想,环境的栽培,坚持不懈的行动。成功就在您手中!祝福您!!!中秋节快乐!
21. 明晨行别,但愿云彩,艳阳一直陪伴你走到远远的天涯;鲜花,绿草相随,为你铺展远远的前程。中秋节快乐!
22. 年年如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气,月圆人圆花好,事顺业顺家兴!
23. 清风带去我的祝福,明月捎走我的问候,送你一丝风儿,赠你一缕月儿,无边,人间有情,中秋快乐
24. 愿中秋佳节:春风洋溢您家人关心您爱情滋润您财神宠幸您朋友忠于您我会祝福您幸运之星永远照着您!
25. 你生命的秋天,是枫叶一般的色彩,不是春光胜似春光,时值霜天季节,却格外显得神采奕奕。
27. 让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福。祝你中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事!
28. 草儿箐箐,花儿幽幽,月儿圆圆,梦儿绵绵,心儿甜甜——此刻情飞千里——明月寄相思——中秋节
29. 明月本无价,高山皆有情。人虽不至,心向往之。衷心祝愿您和家人团圆美满,幸福安康!
30. 月圆家圆人圆事圆圆圆团团,国和家和人和事和和和美美。祝全家幸福、和气满堂、合家欢乐!
31. 让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福。祝你中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事!
32. 草儿箐箐,花儿幽幽,月儿圆圆,梦儿绵绵,心儿甜甜——此刻情飞千里——明月寄相思——中秋节
33. 明月本无价,高山皆有情。人虽不至,心向往之。衷心祝愿您和家人团圆美满,幸福安康!
34. 同望当空月,月圆梦未圆。天涯情切切,拭泪两相思。切切无佳期,各自怨遥夜。闻音忆亲容,千里牵情丝。
35. 相思是一种浓浓的酒,总在举杯时散发出醉人的芬芳;乡愁是一份厚厚的情,总在月圆时轻唤起难言的惆怅。
36. 月到中秋了,你我天各一方。岁月流失的都是美好,我会想你,你记得那句话吗? 明月情依依,繁星语切切!
37. 天上月亮天又圆,吃得月饼甜不甜;对你说声祝福语,快乐天天伴随你;时常心里挂着你,你是我心中的。
38. 关掉你的,慢慢地闭上眼睛,想想我,想想月饼,你会发现我和月饼一样可爱!中秋节快乐!
39. 月亮说,她会在八月十五的晚上安排美丽的月光,将我的祝福送到你的眼里。写在你的心上里……中秋快乐!!
40. 月亮说,她会在八月十五的晚上安排美丽的月光,将我的祝福送到你的眼里,写在你的心上。
41. 月缺时我想你,月圆时我念你,无论月圆月缺,我的心如那恒古不变的月光默默的为你祝福。祝中秋节快乐!
42. 多少次在梦里有你的身影,多少次May the Christmas light shines on yoy day, let the sun flower asperses full your life journey。独自内心呼唤(),只想牵你手,漫步人生路,爱多伟大,结婚吧!
43. 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。
44. 网缘!情缘!月圆!中秋夜语寄相思,花好月圆情难圆。带去问候和思恋,心想事成愿缘圆。
45. 烦恼随风,刮向天空;快乐成风,迎面吹送。道顺,人顺,事事顺,你好,我好,大家好。中秋节快乐。
46. 悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的喜悦,绵绵的喜悦里有我轻轻的问候,中秋快乐!
47. 月圆了,家圆了,肚子圆了,钱包也圆了...节日快乐,万事如意,合家团圆美满!!!中秋节快乐!
48. 金秋圆月挂天边,浪子心中思念添;嫦娥空际舞,八戒被贬为那般;我予汝心天可表,千里也能共婵娟。
49. 你是月饼我是馅,缠缠绵绵总见面;你是风筝我是线,追追逐逐把你牵;你是明月我是泉,美美满满一万年!
50. 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿心地犹如月光明。:)
51. . 让最圆的明月陪伴你和我,让明月传达我的心愿与祝福… 祝福中秋佳节快乐,月圆人圆事事!
52. 明月几时有,把饼问青天,不知饼中何馅,今日是莲蓉,我欲乘舟观月,又恐飞船太慢,远处不胜寒。
53. 在这中秋月园之夜,有个最想的人在想你,在这举国欢腾之日,有个的人在你身旁。祝你万事如意。
54. 秋高秋爽秋日恰逢中秋,花好月园今宵再度良辰。留意月下丝丝白云,许是我问候万千。倍相思,祝你如意有佳。
55. 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲举杯邀明月,对影成三人。我在想你,你是否也在想着我?祝中秋快乐!贺词祝福语
1、A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry mid-autumn day and a happy life. 皓月闪烁,星光闪耀,中秋佳节,美满快乐!
The moon in the sky is round and the moon cake is sweet or not. I wish you happiness ry day. I always he you in my heart. You are the only one in my heart.2、Wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. 祝你和你的家人中秋快乐!
4、Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn Day. 愿你的生活就像这十五的月亮一样,。
5、The full moon on the Mid-Autumn Day reminds people of their families and triggers their longing for a family reunion. 每当人们看到中秋月圆,这一合家团圆的象征,思乡之情就会油然而生。
7、Would you like to go and ade the beauty of the moon with me tonight?今晚能邀你一同赏月吗?
8、The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains. 月饼已吃,甜蜜犹存。
9、On the Mid-Autumn Day, may your life always be filled with happy times and may all your wishes come true. Happy Mid-Autumn Day!中秋佳节来临之际,愿你笑脸如鲜花常开!愿望个个如愿!中秋快乐!
10、Regardless of the day, the sea and the north, wher gathering or leing, there is a blessing hanging in my heart forr. I wish yoy success and good luck!无论天南海北,不论相聚与离别,有份祝福永远挂在我心中,祝你一切美好!
The Mid-Autumn festival is coming, wish you love love love, make love, good luck good fortune, movement, most species of happiness, fu fu, the family love, friendship, love filled with earth。
The Mid-Autumn festival, moon bright, SMS is not short, blessing jump, happy as snow, without rest, sorrow, all troubles escaped drag, good luck, happy indeed, wish: a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
The holidays to send blessing, only you。 Love is sweet, the family harmony。 Business won, promotions such as rabbit。 Old friends, new wish, I wish you a Mid-Autumn festival or live in my heart!
In the Mid-Autumn festival, I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival! Make your dream round full moon! Send a round cake, with a heart, round, send a round, round a round dream。 Happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Respect of customer: the holiday is coming, we rushed a moon cakes for you attentively, let you taste the sincerity of moon cakes, career and life bright bright, festive! Wish our win-win cooperation!
Attached to a long long distance, long line attached to a long, long thoughts for a long time, for a long time to miss you。 Mid-Autumn festival will come, happy toger, I wish you a happy infinite!
A month to send to the Mid-Autumn festival, wish, need not spend money, two for round without time limit, to enhance the dream round four company happiness, five send me wish, wish you happy ry day without limit。
He today, but each has today; Month wages, week award, in a good mood ry day, ry day good fortune, in the god of wealth during the day, night counting money。 My friends, I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival。
To the Mid-Autumn festival, send you happy no trouble, no bad, give you satisfactory send you happy not depressed, send you calm customers find, business dloped in the present, happiness in life, wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
The silent night sky, is my endless miss to you; The Mid-Autumn moon, wher or not you feel my love; For you of the Mid-Autumn festival moon cakes, sweet ju, this year's Mid-Autumn festival, you can accompany me toger?
The Mid-Autumn festival, no matter how far way, no matter the ends of the earth, also want to send my blessings, no matter where are you, lucky happiness will always accompany, wish you are healthy, happy Mid-Autumn festival reunion。
The moon sky, happy month light into your heart; Mid-Autumn moon is round, health, happiness, also come to reunite with you; The Mid-Autumn festival moon cakes, sweet, I wish you a life as sweet as honey。 I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival。
According to the Mid-Autumn festival, the full moon, like the tip, ZhuFuYao, no worries, enthusia high, round, health sorrow escape, therefore laugh, with a pretty face, good luck, make more money, auspicious, happiness。 A happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Go after moon, genuine send greetings; Adjacent distance heart, li has moonlight; The Mid-Autumn festival should be toger, singing and dancing nr cease; Elixir of love in today, hobnobbing。 I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Fireworks fly the sky, the moon drum round face, family laugh opened yan; Eat moon cakes to sweet, jokes about the bent, reunion date is not generally。 The day of the Mid-Autumn festival, and family, no amount of wealth, I don't change。
You do a mooncakes, rub it into my good wishes to you; With the moon to send you, on behalf of my sincere cordiality; Write a message to send you, at the time of the Mid-Autumn festival is coming, wish the days over the more wonderful!
Message sent from my mobile phone, radio wes over mountains, flying over the clouds, through the aircraft to the salite, again from the boundless huge crowd looking for your phone, so hardships only to 1: happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Give you sunshine to warm your heart, you show you, give you drunk fang lips, send yoomantic to now, happiness drown you, good luck with you, but I don't do god for a long time, can only use SMS blessing you: a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
He bitter sweet in life, success in work, today may be temporarily down, will work with friend's attitude to the Mid-Autumn festival blessing given to you。 You are my customers, but also my friend, wish your festival happiness, work oothly!
Soft wind, yurun, flower is good, the month circle, sweet happy life ry day! Winter, spring, water, oke, year Mid-Autumn festival here! Time spent, the need to drink our life! Say a treasure, 'peace! Also circle month interpreta dream。
To the Mid-Autumn festival, send you a box of moon cakes, wish you all the year round AnFuGui "cake", a horse road "cake", official career step "cake" qingyun, family dance up "cake", "cake" light in see true friendship! I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Really a stuffing, continuous yearning with noodles, flattening rolling round his trouble, make a round face, ten thousand kinds of blessings are contained, after friendship true fire of temper, bless the moon cake to you: I wish happiness in my heart!
A harvest moon, and other round, remote send acacia Trinidad may; Reunion cake, exquisite beauty, sweet is blessing to read; Festival will come, I brought the company's best wishes: wish you a good thing! Good dream! One month two reunion Mid-Autumn festival!
By oneself was its quality, build green moon cake letter: no radiation pollution, no dyeing steamed bread, no exaggeration, swelling agent is genuine。 By the goddess of the moon sister personally served, kaifeng he surprise: a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
The Mid-Autumn festival moon at the end of the world, blessing and colorful clouds。 Red maple leaf to cheer you up, white autumn cloud bring you good luck, golden moon cake to give you happiness, flowery SMS bring you wish: a happy Mid-Autumn festival, family reunion。
Moon round flesh thick, oanthus sweet floating thoughts; The goddess of the moon dancing since blurred, yutu a ell m f; Spending a celebration of the Mid-Autumn festival, sharing joyful festival orchestra circle; I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival, family reunion。
When the Mid-Autumn festival, the month lee; The shadow drink, a cup of wine; Light cloud, read leiSound blessing for me to breeze tranission, whereas caring for the occasional water I placed, although not often rode toger, but it always about you.surely; Don't shoot, just know the autumn; The wind, blows sorrow; This holiday season, there; Would like to wish you: the band round, heart is more beautiful, happy for a long time!
Autumn rain, autumn autumn, autumn feeling filled with feelings of missing; Moon cake circle, circle, circle, a table toger, sharing were filled with the joy of reunion; My dear friends, the Chinese Mid-Autumn festival to, peace be to all people around to health!
Brilliant red maple leaf, chrysanthemum, oanthus fragrance, the fruit garden, the wind, the cloud light, the south wild goose, day high, bright stars, month circle, the Mid-Autumn festival, in the front, drink wine, sweet cakes。 I wish you, happy, happy forr!
Celebrate Mid-Autumn festival in August, send you eight auspicious month: work stars g on, business nine days to trel; Lover's face close your month, love affair; A passionate time of life, the wind the bright moon; Friend sn stars with month, good luck to cry for the moon!
Dear customer, thank you for always to our affirmation and support, the Mid-Autumn festival, wish you a circle industry circle, circle circle, love to enjoy the full moon in health gardens, the garden to enjoy family happiness circle, I hope you he a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Gather round charge on mingyue for your viewing, wee a cool autumn you covered, as appropriate pieces of glass moon palace drunken your heart, and do a blessing zhong yuan your dreams Mid-Autumn festival, the Mid-Autumn festival wish you and your family he a reunion, happy life。
When a full moon more miss you, must remember sweet accumulation; When Mid-Autumn festival more read you, happy laughter vaguely。 Wish you a happy Mid-Autumn festival in faraway places, all the best。 For me to remember to look at the moon when ile happily, that is the gift I ge you。
Wild goose to autumn season round, drizzling rain phoenix tree。 According to kyushu and relatives don't less toger, after month looking forward to meet again。 Heart mingyue send greetings, Mid-Autumn festival not to wish to send。 Happiness is healthy friendship for a long time, for pleasure for family reunion。
Vestibular moon light, backyard oanthus fragrance。 Sweet crisp cakes anniversary reunion, sumptuous with hot soup。 Mid-Autumn festival wishes to hide in the heart, into blessing colourful bell rang。 Tianchang, cloud autumn waters were happy toger a man healthy。 A happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Oanthus fragrance, the moon is full, sweet and happy; The goddess of the moon dance, yutu jump, good luck to report in peace; Send greetings and blessing, wish yoything is ooth。 The festival, the Mid-Autumn festival, I wish you the best at family reunions。 A happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Footnote to the Mid-Autumn full moon, the whole family, old and young toger reunion。 Push a cup to change joys yan, moon cake taste sweet sweet。 Yutu jump to bless, chang e cold palace qi。 Wu gang holds out the sweet oanthus wine, made in heen phase margin。 Reunion happy Mid-Autumn festival!
Mid-Autumn festival to invite the moon, totally happy toger; Hospitality around the wind to enjoy reunion night; A toast to relatives and friends, and family happiness live full; Greetings from sral affectionate, send endless love! Counterparts, the Mid-Autumn festival, wish you happy laughter!
Month to 15 exceptionally bright, people to love Mid-Autumn festival more thick; The autumn season scenery more beautiful, more emotion, round and bright moon From the emotion and the bright moon, send radiance affectionay blessing; Wish you ooth wonderland, the home rich career interest。 I wish a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
The distant sky tracts he round, its name is the moon; Distant foreign land a group of people, they are all belong to the people。 Don't forget to eat moon cakes the Mid-Autumn festival the Mid-Autumn festival, eat mooncakes reunion; The Mid-Autumn festival the Mid-Autumn festival you to be happy, always happy to he a family reunion then。
Infants round on the 15th, reunion on both sides of the Taiwan straits。 Of the same flesh and blood separation for decades, and I do not know when can see。 Regrets 10000 in the heart, only willing to unified early implementation。 The month circle person circle family, happy happy life。 The Mid-Autumn festival, wish family reunion countries!
1、What you are doing now reflets how you will live in the future.现在怎么做代表着你以后怎么活。
Send a round cake, offer a round heart, send a round feeling, round a round dream. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!2、Nr, nr, nr, nr give up .永远不要,不要,不要,不要放弃。
3、New Year time is here.I hope you he a wonderful New Year.May ry day hold happy hours for you、新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!
4、Nothing for nothing.不费力气,一无所得。
5、May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness.愿圣诞的欢乐和温馨,带给你家无边的幸福。
6、One of the most : a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
7、A New Year greeting to cheer you from your daughters.愿女儿的新年祝福带给你快乐。
8、Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year.在新年来临之际,祝福你平安,快乐,幸福!
9、To my huand,Happy birthday with all my love! 给我的丈夫,用我全部的爱祝你生日快乐!
10、Good luck and great success in the coming New Year。祝来年好运,并取得更大的成就。
11、I hope we can spend the holidays toger.希望我们能一起过春节。
12、Love remained short,but the memory lasts long.爱那么短,遗忘那么长。
13、I am a slow walker,but I nr walk backwards.( America) 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。
14、To he a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.
15、From now on,i will expect nothing ,and just take what i get.从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。
16、My best wishes for your success in the examination and look forward to hearing in due course that you he passed.预祝你顺利,并盼望届时听到通过的消息。
17、A happy new year from all of your students.祝您新年快乐,您的全体学生敬上。
18、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had nr encountered.如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见
19、Be yourself and stay unique,Your imperfections make you beautiful, lovable, and valuable.坚持做的自己,正是你的缺点体现了你的美丽,你的可爱,更体现你的价值。
20、May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year.愿新年的快乐一年四季常在。
21、Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness! 祝你生日妙不可言,整年沉浸在幸福里!
22、I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and ry success.
23、One's real value first lies in to what degreeand what sense he set himself.(Einstein Germany)一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。
24、It is your graduation day.Please accept my best wishes for your bright future.在你毕业之时,请接受我最美好的祝福,祝你前程似锦。
26、We won't forget you this holiday season.期里,我们不会忘记您的。
27、May our golden youth radiate indelible light.Grasp today! Wish you success in the College Entrance Examination! 让我们黄金般的青春,放射出不可磨灭的光彩。把握现在吧!祝你成功!
28、On a night, the night you and me, you just gently Road to the sound of my Beauty wish you happy holidays!有月的夜晚,有你和我的夜晚,只想轻轻的向你道声,我的佳人祝你节日快乐!
29、Do what you say,say what you do 做你说过的,说你能做的。
30、I hope you he a most happy and prosperous New Year。谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。
32、It’s funny how the people that hurt you the most are the ones who said they nr would.有意思的是,伤害你最深的人,往往是那些声称永远不会伤害你的人。
33、Being someone’s first love maybe great ,but to be the last is byond perfect.成为别人的初恋固然好,但更好的是成为他们最终的爱人。
34、Do not weep at missing a shooting star,as the sun still rises radiantly tomorrow.当你错过流星时,请不要流泪,明天,还会有灿烂的太阳升起。
35、Love, so soft and warm beside me, if I were to give my heart, it would he to be to you.爱,围绕在我身边,如此温柔,如此温馨,如果我要奉献我的信,那它只属于你。
36、Best wishes for a wonderful new year.献上最诚挚的祝福,祝您新年愉快。
37、New Year comes but once a year.But when it comes it brings good cheer.新年一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。
38、Don’t surrender to this dark woeld.别向这个的世界投降。
39、You will know tomorrow will be omnipresent SMS surrounded the outset let me wise blessing over high-rise buildings across the mountains through the streets,and passed the old lady selling tea,into your ear: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
40、No matter how low you consider yourself ,there is always someone look up to you wishing they were that high.不管你觉得自己多么低,总有人仰视着你,希望他们自己有你那么高大!
41、With best wishes for a happy New Year! 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。
42、I look forward to your class after the new year.我期待着新年过后,再上您的课。
43、Life was like a box of chocolate,you nr know what you are gonna get.生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块是什么味道。
44、Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye.有时候,除了说再见,别无选择。
45、It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year.We wish the merriest of hristmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.
46、To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。